What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is over 5000 years old ancient Indian Ayurvedic science that inegratesthe body, mind and soul and is one of the oldest forms of Medicine.
The first step in Ayurvedic healing is a consultation to determine each individual dosha, aterm commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine. A Dosha is intrinsic to each human being, making up the physical body'constitution and body, mind and spirit connection. Once we attain knowledge of the dosha, adopting particular Ayurvedic techniques while following Yogic principals. We can create a new approach to lifestyle, a wellness and life affirming program. Simply making long lasting chnages in personal habits, food choiced, sleep patterns and mental awareness, yu will be on you way to optimal health and wellbeing.
We promise results with Chronic Health Issues and Imbalances :
Anti - Ageing
Hair Loss
Weight Management